What we are doing - broad strokes
We are trying to make it less complex and also less exclusive to join the NUJ so that the NUJ can be a union that truly supports Independent Media workers
What is the text of the motion
This DM instructs the NEC to amend the rules to give effect to the principle that Rule 2 (c) (vi), concerning Associate Membership, would allow anyone who satisfies the NEC he or she is carrying out significant journalistic work and has a continuing commitment to journalism and trade unionism including persons seeking to become or remain associated with the union because of their journalistic activities or interests to apply for Full Membership of the NUJ, allowing them to play a full role in the life and work of the union.
This DM notes the work of the Independent Media Association in promoting the work of independent media outlets and encouraging adherence to high journalistic standards, including the NUJ Code of Conduct. This DM instructs the NEC to work with the IMA toward the creation of a streamlined process by which journalists at IMA member organisations can be brought into NUJ membership.
What is the DM
The Delegate Meeting (DM) is the national conference of the NUJ - it only meets every two years and is the best way for us to change the Union - which is why this one coming in Spring is soooo important!
Question for you!
Are any of you going to branch meetings or the delegate meeting? Let us know if you are - we can go to delegate meeting together.
And if you’re not but would like to go to your local branch, but don’t know where to start, drop us an email asking for help :)
